Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Osama bin Laden assassination caused Polio vaccinators to be put under threat in Pakistan

Photo of Saif Ulah, a man who got polio as a child, begging on a street in Karachi, Pakistan.
The disease of Polio was a devastating aspect to lives of many people in the past.  However, now the threat of this disease is on a rise due to the killings and threats of many vaccinators in Pakistan. According to the article, "How the bin Laden raid put vaccinators under the gun in Pakistan", it states that after the assassination of bin Laden there has been about "327 new cases in 2014, 60 percent of the world total."  This photo is able to depict the struggles of many people in Pakistan and what they have to deal with once they have Polio.  This crippling disease can show a crippling person, as they are crumbling in pain, and the concrete is torn apart due to the terror and wars that is taking place in Pakistan and countries around it that people and vaccinators are dealing with.  Thus, this photo is able to portray the pain and threats that are coming back into the world since, people are killing vaccinators and causing terror to innocent people.  Therefore, from the photo itself and the major aspects in the peripheral, it shows the pain and terror that is surrounding the people in Pakistan, from wars to diseases.  
Image result for polio in pakistan and threat of vaccinators

The photo on the right is able to portray the type of security that is shown during an attempt for vaccination of polio.  The struggles that Pakistan and vaccinators have to deal with is very tough and since the assassination of bin Laden, it has only gotten worse.  The security is very intense and "showy" as the man is holding an AK47 machine gun, in order to make sure there is a very small chance of threat to this medical procedure.  Since there are major wars and threats that are present in Pakistan and surrounding countries, it is true that there should be this intense amount of security in order to protect something that can spread to many people around the world and cripple many societies and people.  The main point is that a story can be told in this photo and shown from the peripheral views of this photo, from the security guard holding a machine gun, to the child receiving a vaccination for polio.  Thus, from the photo itself and the images surrounding it in the peripheral, it can show the major impact that polio has in Pakistan and the importance there is to protect and take away the disease.

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